To swim with Oregon Reign Masters, please complete a registration form and email it to our team registrar:
You will also need to renew or sign up for a US Masters Swimming membership (for insurance purposes). You can visit the USMS website to sign up.
ORM uses the Mt. Hood Aquatics' billing system via their website Your account will be active and billed monthly for the membership you requested. You can either pay with a check on the first of the month, or via credit card (auto-pay). You will first need to fill out a registration form and email it to the team registrar so that we can set up your account in the Mt Hood Aquatics system. After that you can create login credentials and add a credit card to your account, which will be charged the first of the month.
If you want to suspend your account, have questions, need a login or password, or want instructions to set up auto-pay, email the team registrar:
Download a registration form here.