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Dome not down yet - same schedule through Wed 5/2
Apr 29, 2012, 8:59 am

Hi Gang, hoping they get dome down by Wed so we will be on same schedule DD, Reynolds thru Wed May 2nd!! Will update if we can get back sooner. We are at DD today Sunday April 29th Split format starting at 9am!! I will be handing out packets next week for swim a thon so start getting those pledges!! I am working on some cool prizes for our top 3 pledge getters!!
                                                                         Coach Bake

Saturday Practice Pushed Back half hour to 9:30. SWIM-A-THON!!!!!!!
Apr 24, 2012, 4:27 pm
Hi All, if the Dome isn't down and we are still at DD this weekend Saturday ONLY April 28th, the first of the Split Practices will start at 9:30am not 9am. It will go till 11:00am LAST NAME A-M and the second workout will be 11am to 12:30pm, Last name N-Z,,,,, Sunday the 29th will be normal split times 9am start. Same Last Name split.

Next Week I will be handing out information packets on the 1st Annual Oregon Reign Swimathon for Mt. Hood Aquatics. This is important for many reasons but mainly to contribute like the kids do to keeping us going and at Mt. Hood. My goal is for those who participate to raise between 50 to 100 dollars for their swim. Of course it's great if you can raise more!!! It's a 2 hour swim to see how many lengths you can do. You can get a flat donation or donation per length like 10 cents per length. We will be doing the swim on the weekend of May 26th Saturday at David Douglas.(there is a meet at Hood that weekend) We will do a split format and have a group go from 8am to 10am then a group go from 10am to Noon. We will have water and healthy snacks if you want to take a break during the swim. You will need a counter for your lengths swam. If you can't do it on that date you can make separate arrangements with me to do it some other time no problem. Let's show the kids and your pledgers, what we can do!!! The date to collect all pledges and turn them in will be June 15th!! All checks should be made out to MHA.

Coach Bake:)

Apr 11, 2012, 6:20 pm

Hi Gang, practices will be normal through this Friday April 13th. Then the only practice on the weekend will be Saturday April 14th at DD at 10:30am No practice anywhere on Sunday the 15th canceled.
After that the Dome will be coming down Monday April 16th. Planning on 2 weeks maybe less may be more. Here is the schedule for those 2 weeks. I will send out tentative relays for this weekend for you to look at and make adjustments if needed:) Caps will be at the meet:)    
                    Coach Bake

NO DD practices Tues and Thurs this week!! March 27th and 29th!!
Mar 26, 2012, 9:05 pm


Hi Gang,
Caps are coming in in a few days please prepay me for how many you would like new swimmers get a free one!! 5.00 dollars:)
State Masters Association meet deadline is March 30th don't forget and don't forget to email me your swimming days and relay preferences!!!
The Reign is gonna come down hard!!!
                                                                                Coach Bake

Caps - Associations - Hotel
Mar 22, 2012, 9:39 pm

Hi All, wow workouts are looking good as of late. We are coming off of a lot of sprinting and hard work. We will drop the intensity a bit and go more aerobic until the meet in mid April so you will feel better. Remember sprinting doesn't make you faster right away you have to rest off of it a little to feel effects. More dives and turn work too... oh and relays exchanges too.
CAPS!! got a new round of black Reign caps coming in. I would like to prepay for most of them so please let me know how many you want and pre pay 5 dollars per cap, muchly appreciated. If you are new to the club you get a free one:):)
RELAYS!! OK role call for relays please let me know if you want to do relays at the meet and or are swimming in the meet so I can get a head count. Aubree and I will put them together. Let me know if you have a relay put together already too and we will enter that for you. These relays are really important for out team points and very very fun to do!! Only a 50 for each swimmer!!
HOTEL!!  For those of you who wanted me to save you a room at the Vagabond Lodge please call 541-386-2992 and tell them you want one of the Dennis Baker Masters rooms and put it on your card so its not on mine anymore LOL:) and what nights you want to stay.                
                          LETS GET FIRED UP!!        Coach Bake

Red Alert: Practice Change, Hood River Hotel, Swim-A-Thon
Feb 22, 2012, 3:06 pm
Hi All, first I would like to congradulate Joy Ward on a recent National Record in 200 back!!! Tell her congrats when you see her!! There is a water polo training camp this weekend and I don't want water polo balls flying all over and to be crowded so we will go to DD split format these next two weekends. There is a meet the following weekend so see practice changes above.
Next, I have blocked out 6 rooms in Hood River at the Vagabond Inn for the Association Meet! It comes highly recommended and the prices are good. Please let me know if you would like one of these rooms and I will direct you further. I need to know ASAP so I can cancel or get more rooms!!! I know some have already secured places to stay and some plan to drive back and forth. Again, this is the one meet of the year they score points at and we are defending champs so I strongly urge you to enter the meet. The relays are a blast and the banquet is great!!! The meet is April 13-15th so plenty of time to get fit to compete!!!
Lastly, I would like as many of you as possible to compete in this years MHA Swimathon!!! it will be in April after Associtation Meet. This is to raise money for the club and help pay our fees to the College and Coaches. I would like to set a $50 dollar minimum to raise for each swimmer that participates. The event includes getting donations from people to pledge on how many lengths you can swim in 90 minutes or a 5000 which ever comes first. (Your are allowed breaks during swim but no kickboards or bouys:):) Or you can just get a single dollar amounts like 10, 15, 20 dollars flat donation.  I will be sending more info in the next week.
                                                   Coach Bake:)

ORM New Member Promotion
Feb 21, 2012, 3:38 am

Association Champs!!! Hood River
Feb 6, 2012, 8:14 pm


Hi Gang, you are lookin good as of late. 
The Association State Championships are at Hood River on April 13th through the 15th!! I will block out some rooms at a hotel there for the weekend for the folks who don't want to drive back and forth from the meet so let me know if you want a room. This is our one big meet of the year and we don't have to run it.!!! It is great team fun and I encourage ALL swimmers to give it a try. We are defending champs!! The pool will be set up 25 meters like DD.           Coach Bake

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