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Nov 23, 2010, 1:17 pm
Hi All, Mt. Hood Aquatic center is open. Wed practices are normal times.  
                                                   Coach Bake

Practice Change for Saturday 11/13/10 and Holiday (11/25 and 11/26)
Nov 17, 2010, 2:14 pm
Hi Gang, they have combined the age group meet into a Fri/Sat meet and will not be swimming on Sunday so we can have practice at Mt. Hood in the Dome on Sunday Nov.21st at 9:00am as normal.

Please email me your input on Xmas Party Dates, Weekends could be Dec 11th 12th, or 18th,19th or we could wait till after holiday like we have in the past due to bad weather and seemed to have a bigger turnout. Possible locations are Gresham Golf Course, Mine and Roxy's house or if anyone else has a suggestion they are welcome.:)

Coach Bake

Please Help Prevent the Possible Closure of Corvallis' Osborn Aquatic Center
Nov 14, 2010, 10:07 am
OMS Board,
The City of Corvallis is considering closing Osborn Aquatic Center.  Please read the following.
We have an urgent matter that must be addressed immediately! Due to a shortfall of 5.2 million dollars in the City budget, the City Council is seriously considering closing the Osborn Aquatic Center.  The budget shortfall is based on property tax dollars.  The City has five departments that are subsidized through these funds; Parks and Recreation, Library, Community Development, Fire, and Police.  Some decision makers have expressed that since Police and Fire provide Healthy and Safety services, they can not afford to take on any of the burden of the budget reductions.  This means that Parks and Recreation (Osborn), and the Library will be responsible for the lion’s share of the reductions.
I think it is important to make it clear to the city Council that Osborn provides essential health and safety services as much as any other department.  Osborn serves the entire community including babies, elderly, injured, disabled, athletes, etc.  We live in a city bordered by rivers, if people do not have access to swim lessons, the incidence of drowning will increase.  If injured and disabled people can’t exercise in water, their health and mobility will decline. If elderly people do not have a place to go, they could become “shut-ins”
The budget shortfall is significant, and the Council has many alternatives to consider.  Simply closing Osborn will not solve the problem.  We would still have to spend money to keep the building and pools in good condition.  To solve the problem, we hope the Council will consider two options; 1) spread the burden of reductions evenly amongst all City departments; 2) reach out to the community by asking them to support a levy that would fund the operating budget for Osborn as well as other services.
We need your help!  Please write a letter to the Mayor and City Council.  In your letter tell the Mayor and City Council your experiences with Osborn Aquatic Center. (i.e. OMS Association Championships 2006 & 2010).
Letters should be addressed to Mayor Tomlinson and City Council. Please state that you want your letter included in the November 22, 2010 City Council packet.
Your letters should be sent to kathy.louie@ci.corvallis.or.us Letters are due by Wednesday, November 17, 2010.


Thanks for your help, Tim Waud

ORM 3000, 6000 yds Postal Swims!
Nov 9, 2010, 5:56 pm
Hi All, This Sat and Sun Nov.13th and 14th we will be providing lanes for all those who would like to get their Postal Swims in before the deadline of the 15th. Sat. we will start postals at 10am with normal practice starting at 10:30am as normal. Sunday we will start Postals at 8:30am with normal practice starting at 9 am. I will have paperwork and clipboards and watches if needed, remember you must bring a counter. If not a ORM member a normal 10 dollar drop in fee will apply.
Remember to re up your USMS membership soon!!  For on-line registration click here > USMS
                                                  Coach Bake:)

Schedule update through Nov 9th (back at Mt. Hood Tues Night)
Nov 5, 2010, 8:37 pm

Hi All, Fire Marshall Bill will not be at the Dome until Tuesday afternoon the 9th. Also, Reynolds pool is being repaired on Monday the 8th. So.... Monday Nov. 8th practice is at DD 8:15pm to 9:15pm only. Tues Nov. 9th no a.m. practice with normal night practice at Mt. Hood 7:15pm - 8:30pm (and DD 7:30pm to 8:45pm). Normal schedule effective as of Tuesday night.                                                                          Coach Bake

ORM RED Alert!! Sched Thurs Sun Nov. 4th thru Sun Nov 7th
Nov 3, 2010, 5:18 pm
Hi All, Things are almost ready inside the Dome but waiting for Fire Marshall Bill to come in and OK it so I'm just gonna program through the weekend at Reynolds and David Douglas.
You can now register for 2011 USMS early and get some cool discounts!!! For online registration click > USMS . Remember EVERYONE on the team needs to be registered for insurance purposes!!  Coach Bake

Dome Update and Practice Schedule through Wed 11/3
Oct 30, 2010, 1:44 pm
Hi All, Dome is up!!! They have to put all the lights in and have Fire Marshall Bill approve it so I'm hoping by end of the week we can be in but maybe not so I will program thru Wed and send out something on Tues for the rest of the week. Schedule is same as last week except I am adding two practices at Reynolds Monday night and Wed night at 8pm:)
Monday Nov 1st- Practice at Reynolds Middle School 11:45am to 1pm and Practice at Reynolds 8pm to 9pm.
Tuesday Nov 2nd Practice at David Douglas 7:30pm to 8:45pm
Wed Nov 3rd  Same as Monday both at Reynolds 11:45am to 1pm and 8pm to 9pm.
                                                      Coach Bake:)

Red Alert Schedule Change, Dome going up and other good stuff!!
Oct 20, 2010, 4:46 pm
Hi All, wow what a great run of good weather and just in time the Dome is going up Oct. 25 Monday. Hope it won't take too long to put up this year ( last year it ripped if you remember ) Also there is a meet this weekend which will affect Sunday only. Above is the Schedule thru Sunday Oct 31st, again its a little sparse so I will post a bunch of workouts on the website if you can get to another pool.:)
We had two of our swimmers compete in the Portland Marathon! they both did awesome!
Ellen Kramer did a 3:38.05 and got 38th out of 754 in her age group and qualified for Boston Marathon!!! Nice job Ellen:)
Ryan Marquardt ran a 2:57.40 and got 8th out of 531 in his age group and also qualified for Boston!!! Be sure and tell them great job when you see them.
Hey Gang, if your not gonna swim for a month you gotta let our accountant or me know about it!!! It really mucks up the system if you don't. Just shoot either of us a email it really means a lot:)
Thursday night Oct 28th will be last Thurs in Oct. we will be at DD so plan on McMinns at 205 after practice!!
Lastly, we are hosting the Oregon Masters Assoc Champs in the Dome on April 1st - 3rd!!!
Great chance for many of you to swim first race!! More to come later on this:)
                                                 Coach Bake

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